Health news

May 18, 2016

HIV/AIDS : Men's Health

HIV remains for human immunodeficiency (IH-myoo-noh-dif-FISH-uhn-see) infection. HIV causes AIDS, or AIDS, an illness that debilitates the body's capacity to battle disease and certain tumors. 

HIV/AIDS is one of the main 20 reasons for death of all men in the United States, and among the main 10 executioners for certain gatherings. Dark men and men who engage in sexual relations with men have been hit especially hard. In one late study, one out of each five men who engage in sexual relations with men has HIV — and almost 50% of them don't know they have it. Yet, the uplifting news is that anyone can find a way to shield themselves and their friends and family from HIV. 
HIV/AIDS : Men's Health

How HIV is spread ?

In men, HIV is normally spread by: 

  1. Engaging in sexual relations (vaginal, butt-centric, or oral) with a man or lady who is contaminated with HIV (unprotected butt-centric sex is the least secure) 
  2. Imparting needles to somebody who has HIV, for example, amid infusion drug use 

Get tried 

All individuals ought to know their HIV status. Yet, numerous don't. Around 1 in 5 individuals tainted with HIV or AIDS in the United States don't know they have it. Numerous new HIV diseases are brought on by individuals who don't know they are tainted. Knowing your HIV status is a fundamental stride in getting treatment on the off chance that you require it and in halting the spread of HIV. 

On the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea about your status, discover. Testing is simple, and there are numerous spots to get tried: unsupported HIV testing focuses, wellbeing divisions, doctor's facilities, private specialists' workplaces, and centers. To get tried: 

  1. Request that your specialist do the test. 
  2. Request that your specialist where locate a nearby HIV testing site. 
  3. Visit the National HIV and STD Resources site to locate a nearby testing site. 
  4. Call CDC-INFO at 800-232-4636 or 888-232-6348 (TTY) to locate a nearby testing site. 

In the event that you test negative, you can find a way to remain as such. On the off chance that you discover that you are contaminated with HIV, treatment can back off the advancement of the infection. A wide assortment of private and state assets additionally are set up to individuals living with HIV. 

Averting HIV 

Can circumcision shield men from HIV? 

Some studies demonstrate that circumcision brings down a man's danger of getting HIV through vaginal sex. Insufficient examination has been done yet to know whether circumcision may likewise secure men who engage in sexual relations with men. Regardless of whether you have been circumcised, it is imperative to converse with your specialist about what you can do to bring down your danger of getting HIV. 

Find a way to bring down your danger of getting or spreading HIV: 

  1. Be reliable. Have intercourse with one and only uninfected accomplice who just engages in sexual relations with you, or don't have intercourse by any means. 
  2. Utilize a male latex condom for a wide range of sexual contact. In the event that you or your accomplice is oversensitive to latex, use polyurethane condoms. Female condoms likewise may counteract HIV, however more research is required on them. 
  3. Try not to share needles. Try not to share needles or medication infusion gear for illicit medications like heroin and cocaine and lawful medications like steroids and vitamins. In the event that you get a tattoo or body penetrating, ensure the needles have been sanitized to eliminate germs. 
  4. Limit your number of sexual accomplices. Your danger of getting HIV runs up with the quantity of accomplices you have. 
  5. Try not to mishandle liquor or medications, which is connected to sexual danger taking. 

More data on HIV/AIDS 
HIV/AIDS : Men's Health

Investigate different productions and sites 

  • Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention: Recommendations and Guidelines - This website page contains productions that give referrals and direction on watching over somebody with HIV/AIDS, testing for HIV/AIDS, training, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. 
  • HIV and Its Treatment: What You Should Know - This production gives data about HIV treatment to individuals as of late determined to have HIV. It talks about when to begin treatment, the significance of holding fast to your treatment, and what to do if regimens come up short. Treatment amid pregnancy is additionally examined. 
  • HIV Testing: Questions and Answers - This sheet gives answers to questions about HIV testing, for example, who ought to get tried and when and where to go to get tried. This asset likewise offers data on what to do on the off chance that you test positive. 
  • HIV Transmission - This Web page answers basic inquiries regarding how HIV can be gone starting with one individual then onto the next. 
  • HIV: How to Avoid Infections When You Have HIV (Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians) - This sheet examines approaches to shield yourself from different diseases on the off chance that you are HIV-positive. It additionally talks about safety measures concerning pets, travel, sustenance, and water. 
  • Male Circumcision and Risk for HIV Transmission and Other Health Conditions: Implications for the United States - This sheet compresses data in four ranges of male circumcision: 1) male circumcision and danger for HIV transmission; 2) male circumcision and other wellbeing conditions; 3) dangers connected with male circumcision; and 4) status of HIV contamination and male circumcision in the United States. 
  • Understanding HIV Prevention - This distribution answers some normal inquiries regarding how you can counteract spreading HIV on the off chance that you are HIV-positive.
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