Health news

November 16, 2016

How To Get Baby Boys ( Pregnat Program)

Every couple wants to get a descent and medically how to make a baby or child-sex male, there is a program you can get pregnant and the couple are living.

How To Get Baby Boys ( Pregnat Program)
But we must still believe that God is the one who is more entitled to determine what sex the child to be born into the world by a woman, but was limited to trying as humans no harm we try.

The first thing that you and your partner must understand in advance was well acquainted with two types of sperm that would later determine the sex of the baby, that is the X Sperm and Y Sperm types.

Y is that brings gender male, while X for sex women. And two types of Sperm has characteristics that are not the same or different.
Sperm X: her movements slow, but his time is longer and can last longer.
Sperm Y: a fast movement Has, however, more vulnerable and easily damaged in acid environment and his time is shorter and does not last long.
The Pregnant Program How To Get Baby Boys

1. Determine the time intimate touch
Due to the nature of the Y sperm which are easily damaged by the acid environment, then it is recommended to connect intimately in the moment of ovulation or as close as possible to the time of ovulation, for example the day before Ovulation.
Because at the time of ovulation, a woman's pubic environment becomes alkaline (not wet). It means not to be alkaline in acid conditions, because the condition of the base benefit sperm Y, and Y sperm movement more agile will quickly fertilize an ovum.
2. Female Orgasm first
At the moment of orgasm, women also discharge condition that makes his cock becoming more alkaline. So, to make the Y sperm could arrive safely is completed before the sperm X, try to let women reach orgasm more than in men.
Indeed the rare women can reach orgasm before the man, perhaps this that explains why the number of women more than men, because it is more easy to get girls than on boys.
3. The style or the position of an intimate relationship
In fact, the principle is any position can provide a deep penetration so that speed up the sperm reaches the egg cells of Y. There are several sources that advocate the position of the doggy style is the best position to facilitate fertilization by sperm Y.
But the classic missionary position can, in a way Scotch hip woman with pillows to be deeper penetration at the time of intercourse.
4. Set the food pattern
Some sources argue that foods containing sodium and potassium is recommended for those who want a boy. And the substances potassium and sodium are present in many foods that are salty, meat, fish, vegetables and fruit such as bananas and pineapples.
Although this has not been scientifically proven, but there is a literature that said the success of this method can achieve 80% if performed with strict diet. That's a couple of tips that you can apply for the program and the couple get pregnant how to get boys expectations together.
Aside from the methods above, there are several ways a more complicated as well as greater cost .
  1. Insemnasi artificial, because it can give you more accurate results.
  2. Preimplanation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), and this way is more accurate even can reach 99% success.
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