Health news

November 16, 2016

Some Of These Steps Can Help Improve Fertility

The quality of a man's fertility undertook to determine expectations and opportunities to have offspring. The fertility of a man is determined by various factors, including the quality of sperm.

According to experts of Andrology and Sexology, Prof. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAAC, to be able to fertilize the egg, the sperm quality is required. A sufficient amount of lots is not the only warranties because often there are weak sperm, evenbarren.

A normal sperm, according to Wimpie, are visible can be assessed from several things. Pale grey "color, aroma (Acacia floral), a volume of about 2 - 4 ml. When the new BLOB appears, which kicked in a few minutes will melt.

Some of these steps can help improve fertility:

Lower your stress levels.
Although doctors do not yet know why the stress overload can reduce spermcount, practicing stress-relieving techniques such as biofeedback or progressive muscle relaxation could be any good. Try your passion peaked. A very horny guy while exuding a cement copulate more and produce more powerful sperm. Try in order for foreplay or foreplay lasts at least 20 minutes.
Add Your vitamin C intake.
A deficiency of vitamin C can cause sperm to clot, and the case reached 16 percent among all men who are infertile. And several studies have shown that supplements of vitamin C every day turns out to increase fertility among men smokers. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that makes the membrane-cell membranes become stable and is beneficial both for the sperm. Fruits such as oranges, mangoes, watermelons,strawberries and vegetables such as broccoli, tomato, and sprouts is a food rich invitamin C.
Do not exercise excessive.
People who exercise excessively can reduce sperm count them because of rising temperatures around the testes during activity that is exerting power. In a study in the US, the researchers found that runners who practice more than 90 kilometers per week had lower sperm counts and sperm cells are less mature than the man ran less than 50 kilometers per week. However, aerobic exercise that takarannya are like walking fast or swimming, three times a week, each for about 20 minutes, will not affect sperm production
Lower weight several pounds.
If you are overweight, lose weight a few pounds may increase your fertility. If you are overweight, fat tissue can wrap Your testicles, raise the temperature there and killsperm in it
Lower the temperature of the sauna.
Sitting in the bathroom sauna or a tub of warm water, or a warm bath at temperature over peratur body for periods that are too long can reduce sperm production. Don't spend more than 15 minutes a day in a tub of warm water or a sauna and Uahakan so that the temperature is not over 36.5 degrees Celsius.
Stop smoking.
If you smoke, your chances of becoming a father fly with cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoking appears to have a connection with sluggish and low-sperm count and in addition, the study found that miscarriage rises 64 percent when both spouses are smoking or even though only the men who smoke. Limit drinking alcohol. Excessive alcohol can lower sperm count.
Avoid the use of drugs.
The use of marijuana and other illicit drugs over the long term result in decreased sperm count and not her normal patterns of development of sperm.
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