Health news

November 19, 2016

Infertility: How To Cope and Treatment

Barren or also called infertility is a term can also be interpreted as a failure, not successful, or cannot be formed. The term barren is widely used in the field of reproduction which are meant to bear offspring in humans as well as animals. The reproduction is done through sexual contact between men and women.
Infertility: How To Cope and Treatment
In humans, termed barren couples or the inability of one of the spouses to have offspring. A lot of factors that can lead to biologically barren, however it can be treated with the help of medical technology
The couple has yet to conceive after 12 months of sexual intercourse without using contraception and a woman under the age of 34 years
The couple have not become pregnant after 6 months sexual intercourse without using contraception and a woman's age over 35 years (with consideration of the quality of the eggs of women over the age of 35 years decreased drastically, so have to take a decision immediately to search for handling medical)
The inability of biologically to maintain pregnancy in women
Traits of infertile men and women
  • For Men

Good quality sperm:
  • A volume of between 2-5 ml.
  • White turbid with normal viscosity
  • Thaw less than an hour if it is outside of the reproductive organs.
  • Has the typical aromas not smell foul
For women
  • Painful menstruation that is unconventional;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • A miscarriage more than once.
There are many factors that cause a disruption of the process of formation of the sperm causing the man experiencing infertility. And habits that lead to infertile men, is a habit that is often done. 

Cortisol is produced by the time you are experiencing stress. And the specialists stated at the time you stress the body cannot produce good quality sperm so that it can lead to infertility.

Laptop on when turned on will result in high temperatures, what if you use a leptop with dipangku, this can lead to infertility, because it causes the testicles become hot and bad repercussions on the quality of sperm.

The levels of nicotine in cigarettes could reduce the high number of sperm production and merusakya.
It turns out obesity can lead to infertility, because obesity causes hormonal changes become abnormal.
Hormaon sistetis is a steroid used to form the muscle mass instantly. Steroids have side effects i.e. can menyababkan tumors and can lead to infertility.
Hot spring bathing
Too often and long soak hot water can cause infertility, it is the same as memangkiu leptop.
Tights can raise the temperature in the testes and this can lead to decreased sperm production.
Cell phone radiation
At the time of travel you often carry mobile phones and diseliplan on the pocket of the pants, this can be mempengarusi tstis, if too often can be caused by cell phone radiation may cause infertility.
Consumption Of Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages is unlawful dikomsumsi for Muslims, the ban is certainly due to the dapak arising from the alcohol itself. Health can be caused from megonsumsi infertility, one of them alcohol because alcohol reduce testosterone production, which reduced production
To treat the condition, each spouse will be asked to do the fertility tests to find out the cause of the infertility. The result of the checks which will then be followed up by the doctor.

Treatment for men

For men, the possibility of treatment including the possibility of overcoming sexual problems in general or the lack of healthy sperm. Several types of treatment include:
  • To treat the infection. The use of antibiotics is the possibility of being able to cure the infection in the reproductive tract. The bad news is, it doesn't necessarily mean being able to restore fertility.
  • Drugs and hormone therapy. If the cause of infertility is caused by certain hormone levels are too low or high hormone body harness or a problem, then the doctor will recommend drugs or hormone replacement therapy.
  • Handling sexual problems. The possibility of counselling or medication therapy is required to increase fertility in the condition of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.
  • The Act of surgery. One of the conditions is often a cause of infertility is a varicocele. This condition can be corrected with surgery. Sperm usually reappears from the testes after previously not found at the time of ejaculation.

Treatment for women

To restore the fertility of a woman, probably would have required some type of treatment, among other things:
  • Fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation. This type of drug is a treatment for women who are infertile due to disorders of ovulation. These medicines will be set up or stimulate ovulation. For example, the drug tamoxifen or clomifene types will help start the ovulation or making it a regular. Talk with your doctor about the right medicine, as well as the benefits and the risks.
  • Operation action to heighten fertility. There are several procedures that can be done. For example, the operation of Hysteroscopy can help overcome the endometrial polyps or the problem of wall baffle uterus and scar tissue in the uterus. If the problem is either a blockage or scar tissue in the fallopian tube, then the operation can be performed on the channel so that the egg moves easier.
  • Insemination. In this process, conducted the selection of the best quality sperm, then placed into the uterus with the tools. The sperm can be expected to move towards the cervix until then enters the uterus. This procedure is usually done when ovulation is to enlarge possibilities and low levels of hormones given previously to stimulate the egg.
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